Tuesday, 7 May 2013

We're going on a bear hunt!

After a nice rest over the bank holiday, we came back to school nice and refreshed and lucky for us the sun was shining! We decided it was the perfect day for a bear hunt!
First we read the story, taking note of all the describing words. Then we got ourselves ready and armed with sunhats and invisible binoculars we set off on our way.

We recited the story as we went. First we came to the long, wavy grass. Next was the deep, cold river we had to lift up our trousers to make sure they didn't get wet!

We squelched through the mud stumbled through the forest...

We spun through the swirling, whirling snowstorm untill at last we saw a cave! We tiptoed up to it, crept inside and inside there was a BEAR!!!
We were terrified. We ran back through the snowstorm, mud, forest, river and grass straight back into class and hid! We have decided we're not going on a bear hunt again!!

Once we had recovered from the excitement we discussed how the bear would feel to have lots of children walk into his home and then run away screaming! The children used great describing words such as "miserable," "furious," and "down in the dumps." 

I then asked them the children to finish the book by telling us, what the bear did next. This provoked a creative and thoughtful discussion. The children put their great ideas on paper, producing some brilliant work. 
Here are a few examples;

 Jack, "He played on the xbox."

 Grace B, "The bear went to get fish and chips."

Alyssa, "The bear went to find some friends."

What a busy day!

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